Found his calling at Domaine Homes

Young, fresh out of school, Kyle wasn't sure what he wanted to do but quickly found his calling with Domaine Homes.

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Meet Kyle

As a son of a chippy, Kyle always had the opportunity to start an apprenticeship to follow in his father's footsteps, however when he left school and faced the unknown, full of endless opportunities, he wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to do. When finding out about the other half of the construction industry and how many different jobs and turning wheels make up a builder, he realised it was exactly the path he wanted to follow and start his career with. 

He joined the Domaine Homes team in July of 2020 as a sales associate in the Hunter Display Village and without knowing a lot about the building industry, was a fast learner and became an important part of the team. Soon after, he progressed into his current role as the House And Land Coordinator based out of the Norwest Head Office.

'I was exactly where I was supposed to be'

Kyle speaks fondly of his coworkers and when asked what he loved most about his workplace, answered with; 'The people I work with. Being in the House and Land Coordinator role means I talk a lot to the sales consultants and sales associates, and I’ve become close friends with them all. The support I receive from my team, as well as management has been second to none and everyone I talk to or ask a question to always goes above and beyond with their responses and really explain the answer in depth.' Kyle says that the more time that passed and the more team members he was introduced to, he was sure that Domaine Homes was exactly where he was meant to be.

'The support I receive from my team, as well as management has been second to none...'

From challenging to thriving

Early on in Kyle's career, the previous house and land manager had moved on from the business, leaving Kyle with a mountain of new jobs, proving to be a scary experience. However, Kyle says that one thing that really helped in deal with this confronting challenge was the extraordinary support he received from the other office staff, management and consultants while he found his feet to get on top of the new responsibilities.

Kyle thrived from the challenge and learned of new ways to manage his time and prioritise his daily schedule, which he has found to be key to keeping up to date with his workload. Kyle says 'even something as little as taking an extra 15 minutes each day to organise how I want my day to look and avoid overloading myself has been a lifesaver in this role'.

Gotta love growth

Kyle works hard to bring our customers carefully curated house and land packages. He knows that working in the house and land department, that he can be a make or break for customers. Packaging up the wrong home for the area or if the pricing comes out too high can both be large factors into customers decision to buy. But when he gets it right and the customer falls in love with a house and land package he created, Kyle feels a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that he was a part of someone's home building journey. Kyle says 'even though I may never meet the customer, just knowing that I was able to help them in some way really makes everything worth it.' Since moving into the house and land department at the head office full time, Kyle has learned that the key to success at any profession is not being afraid to ask for help. He says that 'the ability to lean on others for support with finding solutions to problems has not only helped me to become more confident in my own abilities, but also ensure that we are finding the best possible solution to the problem.'

Kyle has grown personally and professionally during the two years he's been working at Domaine Homes and discovered that he was so much more capable than what he ever thought he could be. Kyle says that 'working in display centres during his time as an associate allowed his confidence and ability to present himself to be boosted and  through interacting with customers.' Kyle consistently works hard towards his goals and is constantly motivated during the week, but when it comes to the weekend, you'll find Kyle kicking back with family, catching up with friends for dinner or trying out a new recipe or some form of baking hack found online.

Since moving into the house and land department at the head office full time, Kyle has learned that the key to success at any profession is not being afraid to ask for help.

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House & Land Coordinator, NSW

Meet Kyle